

John Stephenson, Principal

Telephone: 705-742-9221

Fax: 705-740-1957

Email: John Stephenson

School Contacts

School Contacts


Head Secretary:

Heather McIlmoyle


Glen Payne


Angela Lloyd

First Nation Trustee:

Sean Conway

Student Trustees:

Ben Poley

Aanya Singh

School Council Chairperson(s): Emily Vassiliadis


Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule


Office Opens 7:30 AM
Warning Bell 8:20 AM
Period 1 8:25 - 9:40 AM 
Travel Time 9:40 - 9:50 AM
Period 2 9:50 - 11:05 AM
LUNCH 11:05 - 11:50 AM
Warning Bell 11:50 AM
Period 3 11:55 AM - 1:10 PM
Travel Time 1:10 - 1:20 PM
Period 4 1:20 - 2:35 pm
Bus Warning Bell 2:35 PM
Bus Departure 2:45 PM
Vice Principal

Vice Principal

Laura Elliott, Vice Principal

Telephone: 705-742-9221

Fax: 705-740-1957

Email: Laura Elliott

School Information

School Information

Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM 
Grades: 9-12
School Population: 750
Languages: English, and Core French
Additional Programs: High Skills Major Specialized Programs (SHSM) > specializations in: Health and Wellness, Arts and Culture, Construction, and SCWI Dual Credit
  Specialized Partnerships > Fleming College for Applied Math for Technology, Applied Tools and Piping, Ecology and the Environment, Mechanical Trades, Nursing
  Specialized Programming >Enrichment Math, Science and English Classes, Geoadventure programming.



School Address

School Address

1885 Sherbrooke Street W.

Cavan Monaghan, ON

K9J 0E5 

School History

School History


Crestwood Secondary School officially opened in 1963. Shortly after opening, it expanded its 'A' wing and added a new Learning Information Centre to meet the needs of a growing student population.

Crestwood resides on the Peterborough-Cavan-Monaghan boundary housed on an 89000 square meter (22 acres) lot with recreational facilities including a 400m track, two baseball fields, football field, soccer pitch, tennis courts, and track and field area.

From its beginnings, Crestwood has had a rich history supporting students' learning through arts, sports, and academic pursuits. A tradition that continues today.

Crestwood is an outstanding school where we enjoy excellent staff/student relationships, fine co-curricular programs, and strong community relationships. This is a direct result of our committed teachers who constantly seek to maintain firm but fair discipline, who give freely of their time to assist students with difficulties, and who work closely with their colleagues to continually improve student learning.




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